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執筆者の写真HY スポヲタ

<インターン体験記/Intern Report vol.3> Kayo Kimizonoさん




As Sporta Japan is accepting new interns for the FY 2023, we would like to introduce what our interns do, and how it helped them in getting high level jobs such as Google, Amazon, Japanese trading houses, and Professional basketball teams. For our Third interview, we will share the experience of a former intern, Kayo, primarily focusing on the business and consulting aspect.

<英語> (日本語は後述)

Through my internship at Sporta, I had the opportunity to witness a different side of sports—the behind-the-scenes action that I've always been curious about as a sports enthusiast, both as an athlete and a fan.

As a girl growing up, my mom enrolled me in piano and ballet lessons, thinking they would be the best hobbies for me. However, things didn't go as planned. I quickly developed a tremendous interest in sports during my primary PE classes and intramurals. Sports became a significant part of my life, and I'm currently a member of the university volleyball team, training five times a week. With my passion for sports, I've always aspired to work in the sports industry, particularly in bridging the gap between the Asian and Western sports industries. However, I knew that entering the sports business field was challenging and quite niche compared to other career paths.

This was when I saw a message from my university alumni Kai Otomo (introduced in the previous blog) about Sporta looking for internships. I was immediately captivated by the opportunity, applied the next day, and here I am now!

I am primarily focusing on the business and consulting aspect where we would introduce Western sports trends to Japanese teams and brainstorm ways to enhance their business activities. Being an intern and delving into the business side of sports for the first time, I was initially very worried about how much I could contribute to the team. However, Sporta really provided me with incredible support. Yusuke, the founder of Sporta, always says that to produce “output” of valuable insights (consulting information) you need “inputs” by acquiring knowledge. To facilitate my learning process, I was assigned tasks in my first few weeks that helped me understand the fundamentals of sports business, such as researching and translation of technology trends in the US and how are teams generating revenues. I am truly grateful to Yusuke for his thoughtful approach, starting me off with manageable tasks and gradually increasing the complexity to match my abilities without overwhelming me.

Our team is made up of people from all diverse backgrounds, including experienced sports business specialists, consulting experts, engineering professionals, and university interns. We also use both Japanese and English for business activates to connect the world. Additionally, since we work remotely with team members based all around the world, we enjoy huge flexibility in our work schedules. Although people are all in different time zones, we gather twice a week for team meetings to share updates and connect with one another to update and see each other. Sometimes the time zones may mean that it is 10pm for some members and 5am for others… It is always a time I look forward to as I can meet all the members!

When I first joined the team, I was the only female member. I really enjoy having a voice on the team and bringing in another perspective especially since Sporta also aims to increase attention to women's sports in Japan. I hope to become an asset to the team through this. Recently, another female intern joined the Sporta Crew, and quickly got closer and even met up in real life a few days ago for dinner!

Having no prior knowledge of the business side of sports, Sporta has given me the opportunity to gain insights into this industry. I am incredibly grateful for this experience, as it has revealed a potential career path for my future. If you share a love for sports, we are currently seeking interns so join us and be a part of this amazing team!




大学の先輩であるKai Otomoさん(前のブログで紹介された方)からSportaがインターンを募集しているとのメッセージを見た瞬間、これだと思い、翌日に応募しました。







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