Sporta Corporation is proud to announce that it has brokered a deal to invite Radford University as the first U.S. participant in a global college basketball competition in Japan. Radford University features Japan’s top college basketball player, Ibu Yamazaki.
The Sun Chlorella presents World University Basketball Series 2023 (WUBS 2023) will kick off in August. Sporta was supported by TRÉ Sports (CEO: Jason Benadretti), while finalizing this deal to become the exclusive WUBS representative for the U.S. university market.

This is the second annual WUBS, a bracket-style tournament competition featuring some of the world's top University basketball teams. The tournament is held at Yoyogi National Stadium Second Gymnasium in Tokyo, Japan from August 10 to 13.
WUBS 2023 features an expanded university roster and the first ever United States participant. There is a total of 8 men's basketball team participants from seven countries and regions (Australia, Chinese Taipei, Indonesia, Japan, the Philippines, South Korea and the United States).
The teams will compete in a series of 12 knock-out tournament games across three days. The tournament officially starts on August 10 with an "Opening Night" exhibition game between the Japanese university men's basketball select team (JUBF selection) and the WUBS 2022 champions (Ateneo de Manila University).
The tournament is hosted by the All Japan University Basketball Federation (JUBF). JUBF is a member of the Japan Basketball Association and the University Sports Association with a total of 352 men's and 293 women's teams part of the Federation. JUBF is an organization whose purpose is to strengthen, promote and grow university basketball in Japan.
Game tickets are available for purchase on the official website.
【Participating Universities】
Radford University (United States)
Tokai University (Japan)
Hakuoh University (Japan)
University of Sydney (Australia)
National Chengchi University (NCCU - Chinese Taipei)
Perbanas Institute (Indonesia)
Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)
Korea University (South Korea)
【Tournament Schedule (JST)】
Round 1 - Friday, August 11, 2023
11:00: Game 1 – Tokai University (Japan) vs NCCU (Chinese Taipei)
13:30: Game 2 – Korea University (South Korea) vs Radford University (United States)
16:00: Game 3 – Perbanas Institute (Indonesia) vs Hakuoh University (Japan)
18:30: Game 4 – University of Sydney (Australia) vs Ateneo de Manila University (Philippines)
Semifinals - Saturday, August 12, 2023
11:00: Game 5 – Game 1 losers vs Game 2 losers
13:30: Game 6 – Game 3 losers vs Game 4 losers
16:00: Semifinal 1 (Game 7) – Game 1 winners vs Game 2 winners
18:30: Semifinal 2 (Game 8) – Game 3 winners vs Game 4 winners
Finals - Sunday, August 13, 2023
11:00: 7th place playoff (Game 9) – Game 5 losers vs Game 6 losers
13:30: 5th place playoff (Game 10) – Game 5 winners vs Game 6 winners
16:00: 3rd place playoff (Game 11) – Game 7 losers vs Game 8 losers
18:30: Final (Game 12) – Game 7 winners vs Game 8 winners
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