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Sporta Engineer Report Vol.1/(CSO) Shuhei Shimmyo 新明修平

執筆者の写真: HY スポヲタHY スポヲタ


As Sporta is constantly growing its footing with its original AI/Computer Vision powered basketball platform, we would like to introduce how our engineers work, and what kind of people they are! If you are interested in joining, please contact us directly!

スポヲタ社は現在コンピュータビジョンを活用したバスケチーム・ファン用プラットフォームの開発に邁進するべく、エンジニアをグローバルで積極採用しております。弊社でのエンジニアの働き方、またどのようなエンジニアがいるか理解してもらうべく、これから何回かに分けてエンジニアレポートを紹介していきます! ■ Self-introduction (日本語の紹介は後述)

Current role and previous jobs

I am currently working as an image processing/machine learning engineer at Sporta Co., Ltd. My original expertise lies in control theory, robotics, power electronics, and haptics, focusing on the hardware aspect of things. I have worked on various projects such as a bipedal walking robot, high-speed trains, non-contact power transfer, and remote fishing robot (a robot that can catch fish in the sea of Oita while being indoors in Tokyo!). However, this is the first time I am involved in image processing.

Why I decided to do it

Going back to the time of the COVID-19 pandemic, I had a question about what "non-essential" really means. People need entertainment. Why is it determined that drinking parties and entertainment are "non-essential"? I had this thought even when I was working on the remote fishing robot. I believe that things that may seem trivial are actually enjoyable, and I think that aligns with the values of the company. While having such discussions, I heard about the project that is currently being planned, found it interesting, and decided to join.

Sports I have been involved in

During my student days, I practiced kendo (Japanese martial art of swordsmanship) continuously for about 10 years. Although it is considered a martial art rather than a sport, it is still a competitive activity. During high school, I belonged to a school that regularly participated in the Inter-High Championships, and I witnessed numerous intense matches where the spirits and minds were pushed to the limit. I also belonged to a sports club during my university days, and sports became a part of my life.

■ Job Description

Computer Vision (CV)

I am developing an automatic player recognition feature using image processing technology. Specifically, I process and identify the colors and numbers on the player's uniform to identify and tag the player. This allows fans to easily view their favorite team's players. It is an important feature for the app we are currently developing.

To briefly explain how we are building this, we perform object detection using AI (YOLO) based on deep learning, and then use AI (unsupervised learning and transformers) to identify the color and digits of the detected numbers. We are deploying this on AWS. We are constantly iterating and optimizing it to make it the best fit for the service we aim to provide.

Team Structure

Based on Kato's ideas, the project manager (PM) concretizes the requirements and schedule, assigns tasks accordingly, and drives the project forward. We currently outsource some of the development, but the majority is done by internal engineers, including myself.

■ Work Style

Fully Remote

I primarily work remotely, and I visit New York about once every few months to have direct discussions with Kato about business plans and future prospects.

Initially, I used to stay at Kato's house, but I was kicked out in the middle because of my loud snoring, so since then, I have been staying at Airbnb accommodations. (I think our CEO can be a bit petty-minded.)

Meetings are conducted online, and we have company-wide meetings about twice a week, while engineering meetings are held almost every day for a short duration of 15-30 minutes.

The language used is primarily English. I want to improve my small talk skills.

■ Advantages I Feel as an Engineer

Ability to focus on development due to full remote work

Well, even though I say I can focus on development, I receive phone calls from Kato almost every day, so I have to respond to those calls. (I think our CEO is a bit lonely.)

Working in an advanced area like CV but having access to expert advice when needed

During the development process, I sometimes feel stuck, but Kato, who has a wide network, assigns suitable experts, which is a great help.

For engineers, having easy access to external expert opinions is very efficient and important for progress, so I consider it a good environment.

It's nice to have an environment where you can easily consult with others

Well, what I mean is, it's nice to have an environment where you can easily consult with others.

■ Good Points about Sporta

The great thing about Sporta is that there is a common axis, which is sports, that everyone can get passionate about. Everyone has strong personalities but is also capable and kind. It is an environment where you can express your opinions and ideas about work style, progress, and services, and they will be heard and implemented, making it a comfortable place to work.

If any of you are interested, please feel free to contact me. Let's work together!

■自己紹介 ・現在の役割、以前の仕事 私は今、画像処理/機械学習エンジニアとしてスポヲタ株式会社に携わっています。元々の専門は、制御理論/ロボティクス/パワーエレクトロニクス/ハプティクスで、ハードウェアを「動かす」ことを主眼に仕事をしてきました。2速歩行ロボット、高速鉄道、非接触給電、遠隔釣りロボット(東京の室内にいながら、大分の海の鯛が釣れるロボット!)など、いろいろやってきましたが、今回初めて画像処理に関わります。

・なぜやろうと思ったか コロナ禍の話に遡りますが、その時に感じたのは、「不要不急」ってなんだろう、という疑問です。人には娯楽が必要です。飲み会やエンタメを「不要不急」と決めつけるのは、なぜなのか。遠隔釣りロボットをやっていた時から、その想いはありました。くだらないと思われることこそ楽しいし、そんな感覚が家徳氏とは合ったのではないかと思います。


・やってきたスポーツ 学生時代はずっと剣道をやってきました。10年くらい。スポーツではなく武道だと言われますが、まぁ、勝負事という意味では一緒です。高校時代はインターハイ常連校に所属し、極限まで達した精神と精神がぶつかり合う際どい勝負を数多く見てきました。大学時代にも体育会に所属しており、スポーツが生活の一部になっていました。


・CV(コンピュータビジョン) 画像処理技術を使って、選手の自動判別機能を作成しています。具体的には選手の着ているユニフォームの色と背番号を処理し、判別し、選手を特定し、タグ付けする機能を作っています。


どんな風に作っているかを簡単に説明すると、ディープラーニングを用いたAI(YOLO)で物体検出を行い、検出した背番号の色味と数字をAI(教師なし学習とトランスフォーマー)を使って判別しています。これをAWS上にデプロイすることをやっています。試行錯誤の繰り返しをして、我々が目指すサービスにとってより最適な形にしています。 ・体制


今では、一部は開発を外注していますが、その大部分は内部のエンジニアと私で開発しています。 ■働き方


基本的にはフルリモートで働いており、私は数カ月に一回程度、ニューヨークに行って直接、事業構想、今後の展望について話をしています。 最初は家徳の家に泊まっていましたが、私のいびきが大きいとのことで途中で追い出され、それ以降はエアビーで寝泊まりしています。(心の小さいCEOだと思います)




・フルリモートのため、開発に集中できる まあ、開発に集中できるといっても、私の場合は家徳からほぼ毎日電話が来るため、それには対応しなくてはいけないのですが笑(さみしがりやなCEOだと思います) ・CVという先進的なエリアだが、必要に応じて専門家の助言をもらえる


エンジニアにとって、組織外の専門家の意見を手軽に手に入れることは進める上でとても効率が良く、重要なため、良い環境だと思っています。 ・相談が気軽にできる環境っていいよね

まあ、言いたいのは、相談が気軽にできる環境っていいよね、ってことです。 ■スポヲタのいいところ スポーツという共通のみんなが熱くなれる軸があるのが、いいところです。みんなキャラが強いけど、能力があって親切です。働き方や進め方、サービスについての意見を言えるし、聞いてくれる環境で、そして実際に意見が反映されるため、働きやすいです。




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