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<インターン体験記/Intern Report vol.4> Ryunosuke Ozaki君 (現Gunma CraneThunders)

Writer's picture: HY スポヲタHY スポヲタ



As Sporta Japan is accepting new interns for the FY 2023, we would like to introduce what our interns do, and how it helped them in getting high level jobs such as Google, Amazon, Japanese trading houses, and Professional basketball teams. For our 4th interview, we will share the experience of a former intern,Ryunosuke Ozaki, who supported Sporta and now works at Gunma Crane Thunders utilizing the skills learned at Sporta.


 当時、私は運動負荷マネジメントに関して研鑽を深めるため、豪州のThe University of Southern Queenslandの大学院に籍を置いておりましたが、KINEXONを取り扱っているスポヲタ株式会社がインターンを募集しているという情報を聞き、すぐにCEOである家徳さんに連絡しました。今後日本のスポーツ界においてKINEXONのようなトラッキングシステム(デバイス)を用いた運動負荷マネジメントのトレンドは加速するでしょうし、KINEXONの使い方や得られるデータに関して知識を得ておきたいと考えたからです。







 I worked at Sporta as an intern for about 1 year since the summer of 2021.

My main tasks were ①supporting, ②making reports for our clients, and ③releasing worldwide information about sport science regarding a movement tracking system, KINEXON (on Twitter etc.).

 Back then, I was in graduate school of The University of Southern Queensland in Australia to research movement management, however, as soon as I heard that Sporta corporation which deals in movement tracking systems such as KINEXON was looking for an intern, I contacted the CEO, Mr. Katoku. The reason I applied for the internship is because I think the trend of movement management such as KINEXON would spread rapidly in the Japanese sport world, and I wanted to acquire the knowledge about how to use KINEXON and the data it can get.

 In the practical tasks such as supporting and making reports for our clients, I mastered how to use KINEXON and its functions. These skills I was able to acquire allows me to operate KINEXON and make reports smoothly in my current job which is an official worker in a team. Moreover, in addition to studying at graduate school, the experience of learning about KINEXON at Sporta helped me a lot at the job interview as well.

 At Sporta, when making reports and releasing abroad information about sport science, it was always necessary to ”act proactively”. Some people might not like the style, but Mr. Katoku and Mr. Bitaraf(and other sales managers etc.)evaluated that greatly. This environment also motivated me to work hard. In my current job, I must deal with a lot of things even when they are not my specialty. When I think about “What should I do as a member of the team?” , the proactive actions I learned at Sporta are very helpful.

 For all these reasons, I strongly believe that working at Sporta as an intern would provide people who want to work in the sports field with amazing learning opportunities. In the future, movement management will develop greatly in the sports world and sport science. You can learn about cutting-edge devices, moreover, make use of your experience at Sporta when you work at a different company. It surely will be a wonderful weapon when you operate KINEXON in your future team.


 It is also one of the most attractive things that you can get the world’s latest information (mainly about NBA and sport science etc.) from Sporta Japan members!



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