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<インターン体験記/Intern Report vol.2> Kai Otomo君 (現 Amazon )

Writer's picture: HY スポヲタHY スポヲタ


今回はインターン生による体験談の第二弾として元インターン生で現在Amazon にて大活躍するKai Otomo君の体験談をこちらにて共有させて頂きます。

As Sporta Japan is accepting new interns for the FY 2023, we would like to introduce what our interns do, and how it helped them in getting high level jobs such as Google, Amazon, Japanese trading houses, and Professional basketball teams. For our Second interview, we will share the experience of a former intern, Kai Otomo, who supported Sporta and now works at Amazon utilizing the skills learned at Sporta.

<英語> (日本語は後述)

During my time at Sporta, I learned what it meant to “enjoy work”.

I’ve always been an athlete, and sports have been my passion ever since I could walk. After my career as a player ended, I knew I wanted to work in sports. When I met Yu, he told me about his vision for Sporta; Revolutionize Japanese Sport Entertainment. Having experienced both US and Japan sports scenes/cultures, I strongly connected with this vision and decided to join the team.

As a content producer intern, my responsibilities were vast. I not only worked on the strategy, but also the creatives of multiple social media accounts. Yu gave me the freedom to follow my gut with a “just do it” mindset.

Through multiple feedback cycles with the team, I learned tremendously about social media and content producing. Most importantly, I had a lot of fun working at Sporta. The best part was how passionate the people were about sports and their work. Furthermore, there was an environment where we could voice our opinions, even as an intern. By truly being ourselves and expressing our opinions, we were able to come up with creative ideas collectively.

Sporta cultured me to always have bias for action, speak our opinion, and always think about vision and the big picture.

These are the specific skills that helped me get to and excel at Amazon.

At a fast-paced company like Amazon, being able to take actions is a key to success. It is also important to take ownership and share your opinions to make sure the team is heading the right way. As Amazon’s mission is to “be Earth’s most customer-centric company”, we must make sure every decision is beneficial for the customers in the end.

Finally, I want to say that Sporta is a great place to work if you have a strong passion for sports. Unlike working at giant companies, you can get hands-on experience on various stages of projects. I can guarantee that you will be given more responsibilities than any other company, and will learn ton from it. Last but not least, Yu will definitely serve you as your role model, with its creative mind and explosive energy. I know this because he did for me.




コンテンツ・プロデューサーのインターンとして、私が担当した仕事は多岐にわたります。戦略だけでなく、複数のソーシャルメディアアカウントのクリエイティブにも携わりました。そのため、“Just Do It.“という直感的な発想で、自由に仕事をすることができました。チームと何度もフィードバックを繰り返しながら、ソーシャルメディアとコンテンツ制作について大いに学びました。そして何より、スポヲタで働く日々が楽しかったのを鮮明に覚えています。スポーツや仕事に対して、チームの皆が情熱的であり、インターンであっても自分の意見を言える環境がありました。 皆が自分らしく、それぞれの意見を発言しあうことで、クリエイティブなアイデアを出し合うことができました。







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