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<インターン体験記/Intern Report vol.1> Jiwon Choi君 (現 Google )

Writer's picture: HY スポヲタHY スポヲタ


今回はよく問い合わせある、そもそもスポヲタ社のインターンて何ができて、何を学べるの!?という質問に答えるべく、第一弾として元インターン生で現在Google にて大活躍するジウォン・チョイ君の体験談をこちらにて共有させて頂きます。

As Sporta Japan is accepting new interns for the FY 2023, we would like to introduce what our interns do, and how it helped them in getting high level jobs such as Google, Amazon, Japanese trading houses, and Professional basketball teams. For our first interview, we will share the experience of a former intern, Jiwon Choi, who supported Sporta from 2020 to 2022, and now works at Google utilizing the skills learned at Sporta.

<ジウォン君 体験談原文 (注:当人は日本語は話せず、英語のみでインターンを実施)>


Being a part of this team was like having a second family.

I worked in this team for over two years in various areas ranging from SNS management to consulting projects. I still remember when I first did my interview with Yusuke. I was very nervous and the fact that I spoke no Japanese at the time (which is still very bad) was not helping me at all. But the moment he realized that I couldn’t speak Japanese he immediately switched to English rather than demanding a skill that I clearly didn’t have.  

 Furthermore, we shared a language that was bigger than anything. The love towards sports. In both a serious and casual setting, we would go on and discuss the most recent sports events, the best player in the

NBA, world cup favorites, and everything we knew and loved about sports. For us, this was more than work. It was love for the game.t The passion that the team shared was what I believe allowed me to excel during my time at Sporta. The team supported me in ways that I could perform best in the world of sports. We pivoted around various R&Rs including event management and video editing but eventually, we found my best fit. I know that I would still be looking for my strengths if it was not for Sporta.

 The way that Sporta operates was also very fit for students like me. The communication is very timely and autonomous, but very carefully planned out. In any given task I was always given a big direction and all of the information needed. Then with a series of mid-point checkups and feedback loops, I was able to complete my tasks in a timely manner without mistakes. Providing good and timely feedback seems like a basic thing but is often neglected because most seniors tend to not put effort into looking over a junior’s work midway.

 However, in Sporta we understood that the amount of effort put into feedback ultimately benefits the entire team and acts as a strong long-time learning opportunity. In addition, the atmosphere is very respect

ful and autonomous. I was given opportunities to participate in projects but I was not spoon-fed manuals. I was encouraged to provide opinions of my own and everyone on the team took my opinion with full respect as a member of Sporta.


 But most importantly, all of the above operated on top of the strong human bond that we shared. We all knew each other on a first-name basis and had a full understanding of each other. We knew our strengths and interests and we filled each other in like a puzzle. Being able to grow in this environment allowed me to become a team player with an independent mindset and strong fundamental skills in working. To whoever might come after me, I just want to let you know that you are joining a team that won’t be topped by any other company in the world. This is and will be the best team that I ever worked with.



 私はこのチームで 2 年以上、SNSマネジメントからコンサルティングプロジェクトまで、さまざまな分野で働きました。ゆうすけさんと初めて面接をしたときのことを今でも覚えています。私はとても緊張しており、しかも当時日本語を全く話せなかったので(まだ乏しいのですが)、途方に暮れてしまいました。しかし、彼は私が日本語を話せないことに気づいた瞬間、私が明らかに持っていないスキルを要求するのではなく、すぐに英語に切り替えてくれましたのです。






-----インターン体験記終わり--- 以上となりますが、もしスポヲタ社でインターンを経験したいという方がおり、以下条件に該当する方がいましたら、ぜひ に「インターンの件」と題して履歴書とともにご応募ください。 If there is anyone interested in joining Sporta Japan as a Biz Dev Intern, or Software Development Intern, please contact us at with the title "Regarding the Intern Position" . 勤務地: NYC or Tokyo (リモートも可能) 業務内容:  1) ビジネス開発サポート 2) バスケファン向けソフトウェア開発サポート 3) バスケファン向け向けAI開発サポート業務 給与: Competitive (要相談)

必須項目: スポーツ好き (ヲタクレベル希望) 能動的に行動できる人

大学院生以下 (Ph.Dも可) Place: NYC or Tokyo (Full Remote is also accepatable)

Positions: 1) Biz Deve Support (Incl. Research and Sales/Marketing) 2) Software Development Support for Basketball Fan-Engagement Service

3) AI Development for Basketball Fan-Engagement Service

Required Skills: Highly motivated, and is an avid sports lover

Proactive thinker and action taker

Is currently in school (Ph.D, Masters, Bachelors, High-Schooler)



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